Traxxas Recalls X-Maxx Monster Trucks and Electronic Speed Controls Due to Fire Hazard
Name of Product:
X-Maxx Monster Trucks and VXL-6 electronic speed controls
Vehicle modification or electronic failure can result in a short circuit, posing a fire hazard.
Recall Date:
June 01, 2016
About 4,900 X-Maxx Monster Trucks and 140 VXL-6s electronic speed controls (in addition, 96 trucks were sold in Canada)
Recall Details
The recalled VXL-6s electronic speed control #3365 is sold installed in the Traxxas X-Maxx Monster Truck, model 77076-04, and is also sold separately. The electronic speed control is the electronic control module that manages the throttle control (speed), directional control (forward or reverse) and braking of the drive motor in the truck. The truck is 30 inches long, 22 inches wide and 4 inches above the ground. The truck comes in two colors, red and blue. It weighs approximately 20 pounds. The electronic speed control is located near the center of the truck in a vented blue case approximately 2 inches wide, 2 inches long and 2 inches tall. Traxxas XMaxx is displayed on the side of the truck.
Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled trucks and return their electronic speed control to their dealer for a free firmware upgrade and installation of a new fusible link, or contact Traxxas customer support to return the electronic speed control and have a firmware upgrade and free fusible link installation.
The company has received 40 reports of fire. One injury to a finger has been reported.
Sold At:
HobbyTown and other hobby stores and Traxxas dealers nationwide from November 2015 through January 2016. The X-Maxx truck sold for about $840. The electronic speed control sold for about $250.
Traxxas LP, of McKinney, Tex.
Traxxas LP, of McKinney, Tex.
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