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Philips Lighting Recalls Metal Halide Lamps Due to Burn and Laceration Hazards

  • Clear Lamp
  • Coated Lamp
Name of Product:
Metal Halide Lamps

The outer bulbs can shatter, resulting in hot internal pieces of glass falling from the lamps, posing a burn and laceration hazard.

Recall Date:
May 24, 2016
About 87,000
Consumer Contact

Philips Lighting toll-free at 866-253-5503 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, via email at or online at and click on “For Professionals” and then “Recalls” for more information.

Recall Details


This recall involves the Philips Energy Advantage Ceramic Metal Halide Lamps model CDM330. They are designed as energy efficient replacements for traditional 400W quartz metal halide lamps installed in magnetic ballasts and intended for use in high-ceiling industrial, retail and commercial applications. The lamps were sold in both clear and coated versions. Each lamp includes an etching, located either at the base of the lamp or on the ovoid of the lamps, that displays the relevant date code, along with Philips’ name, wattage (330W) and the model (CDM330). Affected lamps can be identified with one of the following date codes:


                        Date Code                  Month/Year

                        1E                                May 2011

                        1F                                June 2011

                        1G                               July 2011

                        1H                               August 2011

                        1J                                 September 2011

                        1K                               October 2011

                        1L                                November 2011

                        1M                               December 2011


Each lamp includes an etching, located either at the base of the lamp or on the ovoid of the lamps, that displays the relevant date code, along with Philips’ name, wattage (330W) and the model (CDM330).


Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled lamps and contact Philips for a free replacement.


The firm has received two reports of lamps shattering. No injuries have been reported.

Sold At:
Electrical supply distributors from May 2011 through June 2012 for about $40.
Philips Lighting North America Corp., of Somerset, N.J.
Manufactured In:
Recall number:

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