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Yahama Recalls YZ250 Competition Off-Road Motorcycles

  • Yamaha 2015 model YZ250FFL
  • Yamaha 2015 model YZ250FFW
Name of Product:
Off-road motorcycles
The engine can lock up during operation, causing a rider to lose control of the vehicle and crash, resulting in injuries and death.
Recall Date:
December 18, 2014
About 875
Consumer Contact

Yamaha at (800) 962-7926 anytime or online at and under the Sport tab, subcategory Motorcycles-Off-Road, click on Parts and Service, then Factory Modification Campaigns, then Customer Letter M2014-020R for more information.

Recall Details


This recall involves model year 2015 Yamaha competition off-road motorcycles with model numbers YZ250FFL and YZ250FFW. The recalled motorcycles are blue and white, and white and red. The model number is on left and right side of the fuel tank cowling. The vehicle identification number (VIN) is stamped on the frame near the steering stem. The letter F in the 10th position of the VIN number indicates that the unit was made in the 2015 model year.


Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled motorcycles and contact their local Yamaha dealer to schedule a free repair. Yamaha is contacting all registered owners directly.


None reported

Sold At:
Yamaha motorcycle dealers nationwide from May 2014 through November 2014 for about $7,600.
Manufactured In:
Recall number:

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About the U.S. CPSC

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risk of injury associated with the use of thousands of types of consumer products. Deaths, injuries, and property damage from consumer product-related incidents cost the nation more than $1 trillion annually. Since the CPSC was established more than 50 years ago, it has worked to ensure the safety of consumer products, which has contributed to a decline in injuries associated with these products.

Federal law prohibits any person from selling products subject to a Commission ordered recall or a voluntary recall undertaken in consultation with the CPSC.

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