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Toys R Us Recalls Imaginarium Activity Walker Due to Choking Hazard

  • Imaginarium Activity Walker
  • Imaginarium Activity Walker packaging label
  • Imaginarium Activity Walker model number
Name of Product:
Imaginarium Activity Walkers
The small bolt and spacer that attaches each front wheel to the walker can detach, posing a choking hazard to young children.
Recall Date:
March 13, 2013
About 9,000
Consumer Contact

Toys R Us at (800) 869-7787 from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. ET Monday through Saturday and from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday, or visit the firm's website at and click on Safety Information and Recalls for more information.

Recall Details


The recalled Imaginarium Activity Walkers have a round wooden push handle on the top of a curved triangle-shaped wooden walker base with four wheels. There is a multi-colored metal xylophone with 2 triangle mallets, 1 multi-colored abacus and 1 scratch noise maker on the front of the walker. The walkers have multi-colored wooden, disc-shaped wheels. The walkers measure about 19 inches tall and about 13 inches wide. The recalled walkers have model number "Toys 'R' Us 5F5E972" printed on the bottom of the activity walkers. Barcode number "3700217300319" is printed on the bottom of the activity walker box.


Consumers should stop using the recalled walker immediately, put it out of reach of young children and return it to a Toys R Us store for a full refund or store credit.


Toys R Us has received five reports of the front wheels detaching. No injuries have been reported.

Sold Exclusively At:
Toys R Us stores nationwide and online at from August 2011 through January 2013 for about $30.

Toys R Us Inc., of Wayne, N.J.


Toys R Us Inc., of Wayne, N.J.

Manufactured In:
Recall number:

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The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risk of injury associated with the use of thousands of types of consumer products. Deaths, injuries, and property damage from consumer product-related incidents cost the nation more than $1 trillion annually. Since the CPSC was established more than 50 years ago, it has worked to ensure the safety of consumer products, which has contributed to a decline in injuries associated with these products.

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