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Zazaba International Recalls Grão de Gente Baby Nests Due to Suffocation Risk and Fall and Entrapment Hazards; Violation of the Federal Safety Regulations; Sold Exclusively on

  • Recalled Pink Pompom and Hearts Baby Nest, 100334
  • Recalled Pink and White Pompom Baby Nest, SKU 101639
  • Recalled Blue Pompom Baby Nest, SKU 101640
  • Recalled Yellow Pompom Baby Nest, SKU 101643
  • Recalled Cotton Cloud Baby Nest, SKU 116932
  • Recalled Pink Cotton Cloud Baby Nest, SKU 120886
  • Recalled Gray and Beige Baby Nest, SKU 144955
  • Recalled Donut Sweet Charm Baby Nest, SKU 122019
  • Recalled White and Black Polka Dot and Triangle Baby Nest, SKU 133784
  • Recalled Pink and Gray Heart Baby Nest, SKU 150957
  • Recalled Rainbow Baby Nest, SKU 126617
  • Recalled Princess Buddy Bear Baby Nest, SKU 120259
  • Recalled Prince Buddy Bear Baby Nest, SKU 153486
  • Recalled Penguin Star Baby Nest, SKU 138571
  • Recalled Watercolor Safari Baby Nest, SKU 156314
  • Recalled Hippo Star Baby Nest, SKU 138573
  • Recalled Classic Princess Baby Nest, SKU 99988
  • Recalled Classic Blue Baby Nest, SKU 151529
  • Recalled Classic Navy Blue Baby Nest, SKU 151530
  • Recalled Classic Pink Baby Nest, SKU 151532
  • Recalled Classic White Baby Nest, SKU 151533
  • Recalled Classic Rosé Baby Nest, SKU 154200
  • “Grão de gente” tag sewn onto cloth cover
Name of Product:
Grão de Gente Baby Nests

The recalled baby nests violate the safety requirements of CPSC’s Safety Standard for Infant Sleep Products, posing a suffocation risk and fall and entrapment hazards to infants. The failures include not having a stand and not meeting the requirements for side height, sleeping pad thickness, and fabric-sided openings. The product’s sides are shorter than the minimum side height limit; the sleeping pad’s thickness exceeds the maximum limit; and an infant could fall out of an enclosed opening at the foot of the lounger or become entrapped. 

Additionally, the baby nest designs with head pillows violate the Safe Sleep for Babies Act of 2021’s ban on inclined sleepers for infants because their sleep surfaces are inclined greater than ten degrees. Infant fatalities have occurred in inclined sleepers, after the infants rolled from their back to their stomach or side while unrestrained, or under other circumstances.

Recall Date:
April 04, 2024

About 430

Consumer Contact

Zazaba International Inc. toll-free at 855-425-4640 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, email at, or online at or and click “Recall Notices” at the bottom of the page for more information.

Recall Details


This recall involves baby nests made of a cloth cover with a foam sleeping pad and padded bumper. The baby nests were sold with different printed fabrics, colors, and designs, as listed in the table below.  “Grão de gente” is printed on a tag sewn on the cloth cover. 

SKU Product Name Description 
100334 Pink Pompom and Hearts Baby Nest Cloud head pillow 
101639 Pink and White Pompom Baby Nest Cloud head pillow 
101640 Blue Pompom Baby Nest Cloud head pillow 
101643 Yellow Pompom Baby Nest Cloud head pillow 
116932 Cotton Cloud Baby Nest Cloud head pillow 
120886 Pink Cotton Cloud Baby Nest Cloud-shaped head pillow 
144955 Gray and Beige Baby Nest Grey rectangular head pillow 
122019 Donut Sweet Charm Baby Nest Pink rectangular head pillow 
133784 White and Black Polka Dot and Triangle Baby Nest Round head pillow 
150957 Pink and Gray Heart Baby Nest Heart head pillow 
126617 Rainbow Baby Nest Rainbow head pillow 
120259 Princess Buddy Bear Baby Nest Bear head pillow with pink dotted crown 
153486 Prince Buddy Bear Baby Nest Bear head pillow with blue dotted crown 
138571 Penguin Star Baby Nest Penguin head pillow 
156314 Watercolor Safari Baby Nest Lion head pillow 
138573 Hippo Star Baby Nest Hippo head pillow 
99988 Classic Princess Baby Nest No head pillow included 
151529 Classic Blue Baby Nest No head pillow included 
151530 Classic Navy-Blue Baby Nest No head pillow included 
151532 Classic Pink Baby Nest No head pillow included 
151533 Classic White Baby Nest No head pillow included 
154200 Classic Rosé Baby Nest No head pillow included 

Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled Grão de Gente baby nests and contact Zazaba International Inc. for instructions on how to properly dispose of the product and receive a full refund.  Zazaba International Inc. is contacting all known consumers directly.


None reported

Sold Exclusively At:
Online at from March 2023 through August 2023 for between $9 and $110.

Zazaba International Inc., of Dania Beach, Florida

Manufactured In:
Recall number:

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The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risk of injury associated with the use of thousands of types of consumer products. Deaths, injuries, and property damage from consumer product-related incidents cost the nation more than $1 trillion annually. Since the CPSC was established more than 50 years ago, it has worked to ensure the safety of consumer products, which has contributed to a decline in injuries associated with these products.

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