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Dunecraft Recalls Water Balz, Skulls, Orbs and Flower Toys Due to Serious Ingestion Hazard

  • Water Balz
  • Water Balz grow to 400 times their original size
  • Growing Skulls
  • H2O Orbs
  • Fabulous Flowers
Name of Product:
Water Balz, Growing Skulls, H2O Orbs "Despicable Me" and Fabulous Flowers toys
When the marble-sized toy is ingested, it expands inside the body and causes a blockage in the small intestine, resulting in severe discomfort, vomiting, dehydration and could be life threatening. The toys do not show up on an x-ray and require surgery to be removed from the body.
Recall Date:
December 17, 2012
About 94,700 in the United States and 600 in Canada
Consumer Contact

Dunecraft Inc.; at (800) 306-4168, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, or online at and click on the recall tab for more information.

Recall Details


This recall involves marble-sized toys that absorb water and grow up to 400 times their original size. They were sold as Water Balz (round-shape), Growing Skulls (skull-shape), H2O Orbs "Despicable Me" (round-shape) and Fabulous Flowers (flower-shape). They were sold in packages of six in green, yellow, red, blue and black colors. "Dunecraft," the name of the toy and the model number are printed on the toy's packaging.




Model Number

 Amount Recalled

Water Balz



Growing Skulls



H2O Orbs "Despicable Me"



Fabulous Flowers




Consumers should immediately take this recalled toy away from children and contact Dunecraft for a free replacement toy.


The firm received one report of an 8-month-old girl from Humble, Texas who ingested a Water Balz and suffered an intestinal obstruction in August 2011. The Water Balz had to be surgically removed. 

Sold At:
Water Balz and Growing Skulls were sold at Bed Bath & Beyond, Five Below, Hobby Lobby, Lakeshore Learning Materials, Microcenter, Urban Outfitters Direct, Wegmans and other stores nationwide, and online at,,, and other websites from September 2010 through November 2012 for about $3 per package. The H2O Orbs "Despicable Me" were sold exclusively at Universal Studios stores during June 2012 for about $3 per package. Fabulous Flowers were sold exclusively at Milaeger's in Racine, Wis. from June 2012 through November 2012 for about $3 per package.
Manufactured In:
China and United States
Recall number:

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