The Consumer Product Safety Commission today published the following notice in the Federal Register:
Consumer Product Safety Commission Solicitation Of Written Public Comments Regarding The Petition To Ban Hand Gun Ammunition
The Commission has received a petition requesting a ban on hand gun ammunition. The Committee for Hand Gun Control, Inc., of Chicago, Illinois, petitioned the Commission in June 1974, for a rule banning the sale of bullets for hand guns, with exceptions for police, licensed security guards, the military, and licensed pistol clubs. On September 5, 1974, the Commission denied the petition. In a judicial action which challenged the Commission's decision, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia ordered the Commission on December 19, 1974, to ". . .commence consideration of plaintiff's [the Committee's] proposal" (Committee for Hand Gun Control, Inc., v. Consumer Product Safety Commission, et al., Civil Action No. 74-1387). The Commission, therefore, seeks written public comment on the petition which reads as follows (with attachments omitted):
The Committee For Hand Gun Control, Inc.
111 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601
June, 1974
Mr. Richard 0. Simpson, Chairman
Bureau of Compliance
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
5401 Westbard Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20207
Dear Sir:
The Committee for Hand Gun Control, Inc., does hereby respectfully petition the Commission, pursuant to the provisions of Section 10 of the Consumer Product Safety Act, Public Law 92-573, as follows:
1. For the adoption of a rule banning the sale of bullets for hand guns. The rule would except such sales to a) police, b) licensed security guards, c) the military, and d) licensed pistol clubs.
The necessary facts pursuant to Section 10(b)(l) are attached hereto, and made a part hereof, as Exhibit I.
2. For a finding that said bullets referred to in (1) above are hazardous substances under the provision of the Hazardous Substances Act of 1960, enforcement of which Act was vested in the Commission by the Consumer Product Safety Act of 1972, Section 30(a); and
3. For a finding that said bullets, as aforesaid, are hazardous substances under Section 8 of the Consumer Product Safety Act of 1972 in that they present an unreasonable risk of injury and no feasible standard would protect the public; and
4. For a hearing pursuant to Section 27 of the Consumer Product Safety Act of 1972 in the City of Chicago for the presentation of evidence in support of this petition.
Respectfully submitted,
[Susan R. Sullivan - President]
[Patricia B. Koldyke - Treasurer]
Interested persons are invited to submit, on or before April 15, 1975, written comments regarding any aspect of the petition submitted by the Committee for Hand Gun Control, Inc. Comments and any accompanying data or material should be submitted, preferably in five copies, addressed to the Secretary, Consumer Product Safety Commission, P.O. Box 8137, Washington, D.C. 20024. Comments may be accompanied by a memorandum or brief in support thereof. Received comments and other materials relevant to this petition, including the Court Order cited above, may be seen in the Office of the Secretary, 10th Floor, 1750 K Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., during working hours Monday through Friday.
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