Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, Turkey


Contact Information

Lab ID: 1039
Yalcin Kores Cd. No: 22 Erdinc Binalari A Blok 1.Kule 1.Kat 34209
Istanbul, Istanbul Turkey
Phone: 90 212 494 35 35
Fax: 90 212 494 35 60
Email Address: efe.yaman@bureauveritas.com

Accreditation Body and Certification #

Certification Count: 1

AccreditorCertificate Number
TURKAK (Turkish Accreditation Agency)AB-0505-T

Approved Testing Scope

Approved Testing Scope Count: 31

Scope NameCPSC Approval Date
Accessible Edges (except labeling and/or instructional literature requirements)08/22/2024
Accessible Points (except labeling and/or instructional literature requirements)08/22/2024
ASTM F963-16/F963-17 - Standard Consumer Safety Specifications for Toy Safety - 16 CFR Part 1250 - Accessible Edges (except labeling and/or instructional literature requirements)08/09/2024
ASTM F963-16/F963-17 - Standard Consumer Safety Specifications for Toy Safety - 16 CFR Part 1250 - Accessible Points (except labeling and/or instructional literature requirements)08/09/2024
ASTM F963-16/F963-17 - Standard Consumer Safety Specifications for Toy Safety - 16 CFR Part 1250 - Expanding Materials08/09/2024
ASTM F963-16/F963-17 - Standard Consumer Safety Specifications for Toy Safety - 16 CFR Part 1250 - Magnets (except labeling and/or instructional literature requirements)08/09/2024
ASTM F963-16/F963-17 - Standard Consumer Safety Specifications for Toy Safety - 16 CFR Part 1250 - Nails and Fasteners08/09/2024
ASTM F963-16/F963-17 - Standard Consumer Safety Specifications for Toy Safety - 16 CFR Part 1250 - Plastic Film08/09/2024
ASTM F963-16/F963-17 - Standard Consumer Safety Specifications for Toy Safety - 16 CFR Part 1250 - Pompoms08/09/2024
ASTM F963-16/F963-17 - Standard Consumer Safety Specifications for Toy Safety - 16 CFR Part 1250 - Projectile Toys08/09/2024
ASTM F963-16/F963-17 - Standard Consumer Safety Specifications for Toy Safety - 16 CFR Part 1250 - Projections (except bath toy projections)08/09/2024
ASTM F963-16/F963-17 - Standard Consumer Safety Specifications for Toy Safety - 16 CFR Part 1250 - Small Objects (except labeling and/or instructional literature requirements)08/09/2024
ASTM F963-16/F963-17 - Standard Consumer Safety Specifications for Toy Safety - 16 CFR Part 1250 - Stuffed and Beanbag-Type Toys08/09/2024
ASTM F963-16/F963-17 - Standard Consumer Safety Specifications for Toy Safety - 16 CFR Part 1250 - Wires or Rods08/09/2024
Determination of Phthalates - 16 CFR Part 130708/09/2024
Lead in Children's Metal Jewelry05/23/2023
Lead in Children's Metal Products05/23/2023
Lead in Non-Metal Children's Products05/23/2023
Lead Paint Regulation05/23/2023
Nails and Fasteners08/22/2024
Plastic Film08/22/2024
Projectile Toys08/22/2024
Projections (except bath toy projections)08/22/2024
Small Objects (except labeling and/or instructional literature requirements)08/22/2024
Small Parts Regulation05/23/2023
Standard for the Flammability of Children's Sleepwear: Sizes 0 through 6X (FF 3-71)05/23/2023
Standard for the Flammability of Children's Sleepwear: Sizes 7 through 14 (FF 5-74)05/23/2023
Standard for the Flammability of Clothing Textiles05/23/2023
Surface Flammability of Carpets and Rugs05/23/2023
Surface Flammability of Small Carpets and Rugs05/23/2023
Wires or Rods08/22/2024
Report an unsafe product