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Statement on the Swearing in of Chairman Kaye and Commissioner Mohorovic

August 01, 2014

I would like to extend my sincere congratulations to Elliot Kaye and Joseph Mohorovic for being sworn in as the 10th Chairman and new Commissioner, respectively, of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

Chairman Kaye and Commissioner Mohorovic both have extensive public policy and consumer product related experience that will greatly benefit the mission of the CPSC. They have both previously held positions at the agency and I am confident that they will be able to hit the ground running on the challenging issues before us. I look forward to working with both Chairman Kaye and Commissioner Mohorovic and I welcome them to the Commission.

I also want to thank Commissioner Robert Adler for his service as Acting Chairman, which ended with the swearing in of Chairman Kaye. I appreciate Commissioner Adler’s leadership during the transitional period and I look forward to continuing to work alongside him to improve consumer product safety.

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