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Statement on Commissioner Buerkle’s Recent Staff Changes

March 05, 2014

Recently, my office has undergone a staff change. Joe Martyak, who has served as my Chief Counsel since September, is leaving my office and the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

Joe was instrumental in helping me establish my office and team here at CPSC. His extensive knowledge of the issues, as well as his strong relationships with so many CPSC staff members, will be sorely missed. I am so grateful to Joe for all of his help and guidance and I am so pleased that Joe will soon be starting another exciting chapter in his life.

Prior to serving as my Chief Counsel, Joe had been at CPSC for six years, having served as Chief of Staff for Acting Chairman Nord and Acting Director of Public Affairs. His other government service includes Associate Administrator at the US EPA and Deputy Undersecretary at the US Department of the Interior. His public service has included being Executive Vice-President for Marketing, Communications, and Public Policy at the American Legacy Foundation in its fight against the devastating health effects of tobacco use. He has now decided to continue public service in the non-profit sector as Vice-President for Communications, at the Hawaii Community Foundation (HCF). Through grants and scholarships, HCF applies solid analytics to philanthropic efforts, investing in people and solutions to benefit every island community in our 50th state.

Replacing Joe will be Gib Mullan who is returning to CPSC as part of my team.  Gib previously served at CPSC, first as General Counsel and then as Director of Compliance and Field Operations, from January 2004 to January 2011.  For the past three years he has served as Chief Counsel to the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade. While on the Hill Gib continued to follow CPSC activities closely as the subcommittee he served is responsible for oversight of CPSC as well as several other agencies charged with consumer protection.  In that position, he helped craft several bipartisan bills that amended our CPSC laws.  I am very pleased and honored to welcome Gib back to CPSC and the Executive Branch. 

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