Voluntary Standard(s)
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) staff is participating in voluntary standard activities related to toy safety. CPSC staff is currently working with the ASTM F15.22 Toy Safety Subcommittee to develop performance requirements for ASTM F963 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety.
In 2004, there were an estimated 210,300 toy-related injuries treated in U.S. hospital emergency departments. Seventy-seven percent (161,100) of the injuries for 2004 were to children under 15 years of age, and 35 percent (72,800) were to children under 5. CPSC also has reports of 16 toy-related deaths involving children under age 15 that occurred in 2004. Seven deaths occurred when the child choked or aspirated a toy.
CPSC staff is working with ASTM to address issues related to toy safety including sound pressure levels (acoustics) of toys that are designed to emit noise, flammability, and jaw entrapment, as well as working on the development of requirements to address toys that have cords, elastics, and straps; projectile toys; and toys containing magnets.
Safety Alerts:
- Consumer Alert: Fire Hazard with Remote-Controlled Helicopters and Airplanes
- Small Magnets Are Injuring Children; CPSC Releases Stronger Warning to Parents
- Ingested Magnets Can Cause Serious Intestinal Injuries (pdf)
Fact Sheets:
- Child Safety Protection Act Fact Sheet (pdf)
- Dangers of Electric Toys (pdf)
- Caps for Toy Guns (pdf)
- Suffocation Danger with Children's Balloons (pdf)
- Strings and Straps on Toys can Strangle Young Children (pdf)
- Think Toy Safety (pdf)
- Toy Safety Coloring Book (pdf)
- Consumer’s Guide for Selecting Suitable Toys - Ages 0-5 (pdf)
- Consumer’s Guide for Selecting Suitable Toys - Ages 6 -12 (pdf)
- Dangers of Toy Chest Lids
Incident Data:
Voluntary Standard and Code Activities:
- Evaluation of the Toy Standard for Section 106 of the CPSIA (pdf), May 18, 2010
- ASTM F15.22 Toy Subcommittee meeting (pdf), March 3, 2009
- ASTM F15.22 Toy Subcommittee meeting (pdf), September 16, 2008
- ASTM F15.22 Subcommittee Concurrent Letter Ballot F15 (08-06) (Toy Magnets) (pdf), June 24, 2008
- ASTM F15.22 and ASTM 963 Rechargeable batteries and toys (pdf), February 25, 2008
- ASTM F15.22 Toy Safety Meeting (pdf), February 12, 2007
- ASTM F15.22 Toy Safety Meeting (pdf), September 26, 2006
- ASTM F15.22 Toy Safety Meeting (pdf), June 6, 2006
- Correspondence to Underwriters Laboratories, UL 507 Electric Fans August 4, 2005. Re: Request for requirements for continuous use inflatable products (pdf)
- Correspondence to ASTM F15.22 Subcommittee Chair April 7, 2005. Re: Request to upgrade requirements for folding mechanisms and hinges associated with children’s folding chairs (pdf)
CPSC Staff Reports, Memoranda and Contracts:
- CPSC staff’s support for Ballot F15 (21-7) Item 9 (pdf), which contains revisions to the ASTM F963 – 17, Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Toy Safety October 14, 2021
- Staff Comments to ASTM F15.24 Children's Jewelry Safety Subcommittee Concerning Appropriate Cadmium Test Methodologies (pdf), January 24, 2011
- Test Method: CPSC-CH-E1004-11, Standard Operating Procedure for Determining Cadmium (Cd) Extractability from Children's Metal Jewelry (pdf), January 24, 2011
- Combined Cadmium Package for ASTM F15.22 Toy Safety, including: Staff Report - Cadmium in Children’s Metal Jewelry, October 2010; and Staff Report on Toy Standard Test Methods with Data from Testing Metal Jewelry and Other Materials (pdf), August 2010
- Combined Cadmium Package for ASTM F15.24 Children’s Jewelry, including: Staff Report - Cadmium in Children’s Metal Jewelry, October 2010; and Staff Report on Toy Standard Test Methods with Data from Testing Metal Jewelry and Other Materials (pdf), August 2010
- Hazard Screening Report - Toys
ASTM International:
- For additional information on ASTM F963, Toy Safety, contact Len Morrissey at LMorrissey@astm.orgor ASTM International at http://www.astm.org
Contact CPSC
- For additional information or to comment, please contact cpsc-os@cpsc.gov
- Join a voluntary standards Email Subscription List