Voluntary Standard(s)
DECEMBER 03, 2007
CPSC staff is supporting voluntary standards activities for child-resistant packaging. CPSC staff participates in ASTM Committees D10 Packaging and F15 Consumer Products, as well as Subcommittees D10.31 Child Resistant Packaging and Closure Systems, D10.32 Consumer, Pharmaceutical and Medical Packaging, D10.33 Mechanical Dispensers, and F15.10 Standards for Flammable Liquid Containers. Staff is currently participating in activities related to improving the safety, efficacy, and senior adult ease of use of packages designed to reduce poisonings of children younger than 5 years old.
The Poison Prevention Packaging Act (PPPA) was passed by Congress in 1970 and became effective in 1972. The PPPA covers 31 substances and categories of substances commonly found throughout the home, including aspirin, acetaminophen, iron-containing drugs, methanol, and others.
Additional Information
Contact ASTM International
- For further information, contact Len Morrissey at lmorriss@astm.org or ASTM International athttp://www.astm.org