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Children’s Products Containing Lead – Inaccessible Component Parts


FINAL RULE:  August 7, 2009

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (‘‘Commission’’) is issuing a final rule providing guidance as to what product components or classes of components will be considered to be ‘‘inaccessible.’’ Section 101(b)(2)(A) of theConsumer Product Safety Improvement Act (‘‘CPSIA’’) provides that the lead limits shall not apply to any component part of a children’s product that is not accessible to a child through normal and reasonably foreseeable use and abuse. Section 101(b)(2)(B) of the CPSIA requires the Commission to issue, by August 14, 2009, a rule providing guidance with respect to what product components, or classes of components, will be considered to be inaccessible. This final rule satisfies the Commission’s statutory obligation.

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