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GCC Example – Mattress

Disclaimer: The following is a fictitious example of a GCC for an general-use mattress. Any resemblance or similarity to actual persons or other real-life entities is purely coincidental.

We boxed in gray editorial information or other notes; these should not be considered part of an actual GCC. Download a PDF version of this example here.

General Certificate of Conformity

  1. Identification of the product covered by this certificate
    Luxe Mattress, Models #456 and 789 (Queen and King)

  2. Citation to each CPSC product safety rule to which this product is being certified
    16 CFR part 1632 – Mattresses and mattress pads
    16 CFR part 1633 – Mattresses and mattress sets

  3. Identification of the domestic manufacturer or importer certifying compliance of the product
    MattressSafety USA Importers
    123 Good Sleep Way
    Springfield, MA 02301
    (555) 555-5555

  4. Contact information for the individual maintaining records of test results
    Mary Smith, Compliance and Quality Control
    MattressSafety USA Importers
    123 Good Sleep Way
    Springfield, MA 02301
    (555) 555-5555 ext. 99

  5. Date and place of manufacture
    May 2023
    Guangzhou, China
    General-use products are not subject to periodic testing requirements as long as the testing unit continues to adequately represent the product being manufactured and sold.

  6. Date(s) and place(s) of testing
    June 2023
    Guangzhou, China

  7. Identification of any laboratory who conducted the testing
    Guangzhou Quality Labs
    No. 023 Shi Nan Road
    Dong Zhou, Pan Zi
    Guangzhou City
    Guangdong Province, China 511453
    +(86) 20 09 7723 5467
Report an unsafe product