Dive Sticks
Dive sticks, and other similar articles, used in swimming pools or other water environments for activities such as underwater retrieval games or swimming instruction, and which, when placed in the water, submerge and rest at the bottom of the pool, are banned pursuant to 16 CFR § 1500.18(a)(19). This includes products that are pre-weighted to sink to the bottom and products that are designed to allow the user to adjust the weight.
Dive sticks and similar articles that come to rest underwater at an angle greater than 45 degrees from vertical when measured under the test at 16 CFR § 1500.86(a)(7), and dive sticks and similar articles that maintain a compressive force of less than 5-lbf under the test at 16 CFR § 1500.86(a)(8), are exempt from this ban. Articles that have a continuous circular shape, such as dive rings and dive disks, are similarly excluded from this ban.