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Magnet Sets

Voluntary Standard(s)

ASTM F3458-21

Standard Specification for Marking, Packaging and Labeling Adult Magnet Sets Containing Small, Loose, Powerful Magnets (with a Flux Index > 50 kG2 mm2)

Relevant Rulemaking

Petition CP 17-1 Requesting Rulemaking for Magnet Sets (withdrawn on April 22, 2020). Note: Despite the withdrawal, in response to petition CP 17-1, staff submitted an informational briefing package on magnet sets to the Commission on June 3, 2020, and staff will submit an NPR briefing package to the Commission before the end of FY 2021.


To work with ASTM to revise the voluntary standard to adequately address the hazard associated with ingestion of magnets from magnet sets.

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