Sporting and Camping Equipment
Sporting and camping equipment not designed or intended primarily for use by children age 12 or under, would likely be considered a general-use product by the CPSC. Voluntary standard,CPAI-84: A Specification for Flame-Resistant Materials Used in Camping Tentage, provides a flammability testing protocol for general-use camping tents. If applicable to your product, see the sections below on General Certificates of Conformity and your Mandatory Reporting Obligation.
Sporting and camping goods designed or intended primarily for children ages 12 and under are specifically excluded from the US Toy Standard, ASTM F963-17, but would still need to meet certain other mandatory children’s product safety requirements.
Additionally, a consumer product cannot create a substantial risk of injury as a result of being extremely flammable. For sporting and camping equipment that will likely be used near a flame source (such as an outdoor tent), a manufacturer or importer needs to ensure that this product does not pose a risk of being highly flammable or an extremely flammable solid. Importers and manufacturers of these products should conduct flammability testing to one of these three flammability testing protocols: (1) 16 CFR § 1500.44, (2) the test method provided in Annex A5 of the U.S. Toy Safety Standard, ASTM F963-17, or (3) the voluntary standard CPAI-84 outlined above.
For more information on the requirements in place for your consumer product, please visit CPSC’s Regulatory Robot tool: