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  • Unit Pack Power U004/U004-1 e-bike battery
  • Unit Pack Power U004/U004-1 e-bike battery
  • Unit Pack Power U004/U004-1 e-bike battery
  • Unit Pack Power U004/U004-1 e-bike battery
Name of Product:
Unit Pack Power (UPP) e-biked

CPSC is issuing this public health and safety notice to warn the public about the risk of serious injury and death with Unit Pack Power (UPP) e-bike batteries. The lithium-ion batteries pose fire and burn hazards.

Consumer Action:

CPSC urges consumers to only use micromobility products that have been designed, manufactured, and certified for compliance by an accredited laboratory with the applicable consensus safety standards.

Product Safety Warning Date:
四月 15, 2024

Product Safety Warning Details


WASHINGTON, DC – The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is issuing this public health and safety notice to warn the public about the risk of serious injury and death with Unit Pack Power (UPP) e-bike batteries. The lithium-ion batteries pose fire and burn hazards. CPSC urges consumers to immediately stop using the UPP batteries with model number “U004” or “U004-1”.  The Commission has found that the public health and safety requires this notice to warn the public quickly of the hazard.

CPSC’s urgent warning comes after 13 people in the United States reported the battery overheated, including seven reports of fire and substantial property damage. The batteries reportedly were also involved in multiple fires in the United Kingdom. The batteries have not been certified by an accredited laboratory to the applicable UL safety standard to ensure protections. 

The batteries are manufactured by Shenzhen Unit Pack Power Technology Co. Ltd., d/b/a Unit Pack Power or UPP, of China, which has refused to conduct an acceptable recall.

The batteries are black, triangular, and are sold as batteries to convert pedal bicycles to e-bikes. They have “U004 BATTERY” or “UPPBATTERY” printed on the side. The model number is printed on a separate label on the battery pack. 

These batteries were sold under the brand-name “Unit Pack Power” or “UPP” online at AliExpress, Amazon, DHgate, eBay, Walmart, other online retailers, and at from 2018 through April 2024 for between $280 and $730.

Consumers should stop use and dispose of the batteries in accordance with any local and state ordinances, following the procedures established by your municipal recycling center for damaged/defective/recalled lithium batteries, because these potentially hazardous batteries must be handled differently than other batteries. Do not throw this battery in the trash. Do not deposit this battery in used battery recycling boxes found at various retail and home improvement stores.

CPSC urges consumers to only use micromobility products that have been designed, manufactured, and certified for compliance by an accredited laboratory with the applicable consensus safety standards. Consumers should always be present when charging such products, and only charge them with the charger with the e-battery from the e-bike manufacturer. Never charge batteries for micromobility products while sleeping.

Report incidents involving the Unit Pack Power batteries, or any product-related injury, to CPSC at


CPSC’s urgent warning comes after 13 people in the United States reported the battery overheated, including seven reports of fire and substantial property damage. The batteries reportedly were also involved in multiple fires in the United Kingdom.

Sold At:
These batteries were sold under the brand-name “Unit Pack Power” or “UPP” online at AliExpress, Amazon, DHgate, eBay, Walmart, other online retailers, and at from 2018 through April 2024 for between $280 and $730.
The batteries are manufactured byShenzhen Unit Pack Power Technology Co. Ltd., d/b/a Unit Pack Power or UPP, of China.
Product Safety Warning Number:


If you experienced a safety incident with this product, report it to CPSC on
About the U.S. CPSC

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risk of injury associated with the use of thousands of types of consumer products. Deaths, injuries, and property damage from consumer product-related incidents cost the nation more than $1 trillion annually. Since the CPSC was established more than 50 years ago, it has worked to ensure the safety of consumer products, which has contributed to a decline in injuries associated with these products.

Federal law prohibits any person from selling products subject to a Commission ordered recall or a voluntary recall undertaken in consultation with the CPSC.

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