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Release Date: 六月 06, 2024
  • DHZJM Baby Lounger
    DHZJM Baby Lounger
  • DHZJM Tag Sewn on Baby Lounger Cover
    DHZJM Tag Sewn on Baby Lounger Cover
  • DHZJM Baby Lounger Packaging
    DHZJM Baby Lounger Packaging

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is warning consumers to immediately stop using DHZJM Baby Loungers because they pose risks of suffocation, entrapment and falls for infants. 

CPSC is aware of an infant death in 2020, which authorities reported as occurring in a DHZJM branded baby lounger. A four-month-old was reportedly found unresponsive and face down on a blanket that was placed on top of the lounger. 

The products violate the federal safety regulations for Infant Sleep Products because they do not have a stand for stability; the products’ sides are shorter than the minimum side height limit to secure the infant; the sleeping pad’s thickness exceeds the maximum limit posing a suffocation hazard; and an infant could fall out of an enclosed opening at the foot of the lounger or become entrapped. These violations create an unsafe sleeping environment for infants. The loungers and their packaging also lack the tracking label required for children’s products. 

CPSC issued a Notice of Violation to a seller of the DHZJM Baby Lounger, Fuzhou Kanouka Xinxijishu Co. Ltd, of China, doing business as Youlike Baby Store, but the firm has not agreed to an acceptable recall of the violative products.  In addition, the loungers were sold by several other sellers on, including SUNFLOWER SHOP, Altor Enterprises LLC, Infgreate, SooZon, Humorous Egg, KMOVEON, and Amazon Export Sales LLC. It is not known which seller sold the product involved in the known infant death incident. 

The loungers were sold online at from January 2020 through November 2023 for between $17 and $49. “DHZJM” is printed on a tag sewn onto the exterior of the loungers. CPSC is aware of DHZJM branded baby loungers in other styles and printed fabric options. 

CPSC urges consumers to stop using and destroy all DHZJM baby loungers. Although the Infant Sleep Products regulation applies to products manufactured on or after June 23, 2022, these DHZJM loungers do not have a required date of manufacture labeled on the product or packaging. Further, CPSC continues to advise firms to stop sale of non-compliant infant sleep products regardless of the date of manufacture. 

CPSC urges consumers to stop using the DHZJM baby loungers immediately.  To destroy the product, first unzip and disassemble the product. Cut-up the lounger cover, sleeping pad, and side bumper, and then dispose of the pieces in the trash or textile recycling, in accordance with local garbage collection policies.

Parents and caregivers are reminded:

  • The best place for an infant to sleep is on a firm, flat surface in a crib, bassinet or play yard.
  • Use a fitted sheet only and never add blankets, pillows, padded crib bumpers, or other items to an infant’s sleeping environment.
  • Infants should always be placed to sleep on their back. Infants who fall asleep in an inclined or upright position should be moved to a safe sleep environment with a firm, flat surface such as a crib, bassinet or play yard.

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About the U.S. CPSC
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risk of injury associated with the use of thousands of types of consumer products. Deaths, injuries, and property damage from consumer product-related incidents cost the nation more than $1 trillion annually. Since the CPSC was established more than 50 years ago, it has worked to ensure the safety of consumer products, which has contributed to a decline in injuries associated with these products. 

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