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Walgreens Vitamins Recalled by International Vitamin Due to Failure to Meet Child-Resistant Closure Requirement

Nombre del producto:
Multivitamin Women 50+ tablets

The packaging is not child-resistant and senior friendly as required by the Poison Prevention Packaging Act. The multivitamin supplement tablets inside the bottle contain iron, which can cause serious injury or death to young children if multiple tablets are ingested at once.

Fecha del retiro:
Junio 11, 2015
About 17,000
Contacto para los consumidores

International Vitamin Corp. toll-free at (866) 927-5470 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, or visit and click on Safety Recall Notice at the bottom for more information.

Detalles del retiro


This recall involves "Well at Walgreens" Multivitamin Women 50+ tablets. The white plastic bottles contain 200 multivitamin tablets. "Well at Walgreens Multivitamin Women 50+" is printed on the bottle's white and silver label. A yellow band at the top of the label states "Value Size."  UPC number 3-11917-17262-0 and one of the following lot numbers 000001 (EXP 9/2016), 000002 (EXP 12/2016) or 000003 (EXP 11/2016) are printed on the back of the bottles on a white label.


Consumers should immediately place recalled bottles out of the reach of children and contact International Vitamin Corp. for a free replacement child-resistant cap.


None reported

Vendidos(as) exclusivamente en::
Walgreens drug stores nationwide from January 2015 through March 2015 for about $16.
International Vitamin Corporation (IVC), of Freehold, N.J.
Fabricado(as) en:
United States
Número del retiro:

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