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About eFiling
eFiling is a CPSC initiative under which importers of regulated consumer products will electronically file (eFile) data elements from a certificate of compliance with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), via a Partner Government Agency (PGA) Message Set.
eFiling Implementation Overview
CPSC is actively developing the eFiling program and finalizing rulemaking! Importer participants are currently testing the eFiling system and preparing for full rollout. Importers not participating in the Beta Pilot can now begin preparing for implementation! To learn more, access eFiling resources in the eFiling Document Library
For additional support, reach out to eFilingPilot@cpsc.gov
CPSC Product Registry Training Videos
The CPSC Product Registry is a secure online application where importers can store and manage their product certificate data to file Reference PGA Message Sets with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection's ACE system at the time of entry. The videos in this playlist demonstrate Product Registry functions and features and provide quick reference guides on how to use this application.
The training videos are categorized into four main functional areas:
• Introduction to the CPSC Product Registry
• Create an Account
• User Management
• Product Management