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eFiling – CPSC’s Modern Approach for Filing Certificate Data

Hands typing on a laptop keyboard.
Are you new to eFiling and need to understand how the new requirement will impact your business?
Importers, there is ample capacity to participate in the eFiling voluntary stage – Sign up now!

About eFiling

eFiling is a CPSC initiative to enable importers of regulated consumer products to file electronically (eFile) with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) certain data elements from a certificate of compliance, via a Partner Government Agency (PGA) Message Set.

eFiling Voluntary Stage

CPSC has begun the eFiling voluntary stage. Over the coming months, new participants will receive invitations to test eFiling systems. CPSC will conduct a phased rollout to ensure new participants receive quality support and guidance. Importers not yet participating in the voluntary stage can still begin preparing for implementation!

To be added to the waitlist to receive an invitation to establish a Business Account in the Product Registry, importers should email with:

  1. Company Name
  2. Initial Business Account Administrator’s Name
  3. Initial Business Account Administrator’s Email
  4. Importer of Record Number(s)
  5. Broker Filer Code(s)
  6. Type of Products Imported

Where to Start

CPSC offers multiple resources importers and trade partners can view to familiarize themselves with eFiling processes. All resources can be viewed in our library.

Document Library

Importers and their trade partners can review the eFiling Quick Start Guide to gain a general understanding of eFiling processes.

eFiling Quick Start Guide

Importers can review the eFiling Product Registry Guide to learn more about the Product Registry.

eFiling Product Registry Guide

Brokers can review the eFiling Implementation Guide to learn more about PGA Message Set requirements.

eFiling Implementation Guide V2.2 (CATAIR)

CPSC Product Registry Training Videos

The CPSC Product Registry is a secure online application where importers can store and manage their product certificate data to file Reference PGA Message Sets with CBP’s ACE system at the time of entry. The videos in this playlist demonstrate Product Registry functions and features and provide quick reference guides on how to use this application.

The training videos are categorized into four main functional areas:

  • Introduction to the CPSC Product Registry

  • Create an Account

  • User Management

  • Product Management

View Videos on YouTube    View Videos on Agency Site

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