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Andrew Trotta and other CPSC staff participating in National Electrical Code (NEC-NFPA70) Code Making Panel (CMP) 17 task group (TG) 1 meetings


Andrew Trotta and other CPSC staff participating in National Electrical Code (NEC-NFPA70) Code Making Panel (CMP) 17 task group (TG) 1 meetings

10:00 am to 12:00 pm EDT
Open to the Public
Add to Calendar 09/16/2024 10:00 am 09/16/2024 12:00 pm America/New_York Andrew Trotta and other CPSC staff participating in National Electrical Code (NEC-NFPA70) Code Making Panel (CMP) 17 task group (TG) 1 meetings

Andrew Trotta, Engineering Sciences, and other staff participating, by teleconference, in National Electrical Code (NEC-NFPA70) Code Making Panel (CMP) 17 task group (TG) 1 meetings to discuss preliminary actions on public comments on the First Draft of the 2026 edition of the NEC; the comments are on the actions that CMP 17 took in the development of the First Draft.  The TG 1 Chair will present the recommended actions on the comments as a starting point for CMP 17 to discuss during development of the Second Draft.  Monday September 16, 2024; 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.  The TG also plans to meet on September 18, September 23, September 25, September 30 and October 2.  The teleconferences were requested by the CMP 17 Task Group 1 Chair.  For additional information contact Andrew Trotta, (301) 987-2057; e-mail: Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary and posted in the Public Calendar 9/9/2024. Updated 10/3/2024 - September 30 and October 2 meetings cancelled 


Andrew Trotta, Engineering Sciences, and other staff participating, by teleconference, in National Electrical Code (NEC-NFPA70) Code Making Panel (CMP) 17 task group (TG) 1 meetings to discuss preliminary actions on public comments on the First Draft of the 2026 edition of the NEC; the comments are on the actions that CMP 17 took in the development of the First Draft.  The TG 1 Chair will present the recommended actions on the comments as a starting point for CMP 17 to discuss during development of the Second Draft.  Monday September 16, 2024; 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM.  The TG also plans to meet on September 18, September 23, September 25, September 30 and October 2.  The teleconferences were requested by the CMP 17 Task Group 1 Chair.  For additional information contact Andrew Trotta, (301) 987-2057; e-mail: Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary and posted in the Public Calendar 9/9/2024. Updated 10/3/2024 - September 30 and October 2 meetings cancelled 

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