Commissioners Feldman and Dziak Holding a Teleconference with the American Apparel and Footwear Association (AAFA)
Commissioners Feldman and Dziak will hold a teleconference with representatives of AAFA to discuss the Petition Requesting Rulemaking to Mandate Testing and Labeling of the Slip Resistance of Flooring, Floor Coatings, Treatments, Cleaning Agents, and Footwear. Participants are expected to include Steve Lamar (President and CEO, AAFA), Nate Herman (Senior Vice President, Policy, AAFA), Chelsea Murtha (Senior Director, Sustainability, AAFA), and Bill Ellis (Vibram USA). Nate Herman requested the meeting. For more information, please contact John Mitchell at Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary and posted in the public calendar 8/27/2024.
Commissioners Feldman and Dziak will hold a teleconference with representatives of AAFA to discuss the Petition Requesting Rulemaking to Mandate Testing and Labeling of the Slip Resistance of Flooring, Floor Coatings, Treatments, Cleaning Agents, and Footwear. Participants are expected to include Steve Lamar (President and CEO, AAFA), Nate Herman (Senior Vice President, Policy, AAFA), Chelsea Murtha (Senior Director, Sustainability, AAFA), and Bill Ellis (Vibram USA). Nate Herman requested the meeting. For more information, please contact John Mitchell at Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary and posted in the public calendar 8/27/2024.