CPSC’s Office of Import Surveillance Meets With Expeditors
CPSC Office of Import Surveillance Director Jim Joholske, Deputy Director Sabrina Keller, and Supervisory Management and Program Analyst Andrea Rucker-Yarosh will participate in an in-person meeting with representatives from the brokerage firm Expeditors, at their request, to discuss CPSC’s eFiling Pilot. For more information on the meeting, contact skeller@cpsc.gov. For more information on CPSC’s import program and eFiling, visit cpsc.gov/imports and cpsc.gov/efiling. Posted to the public calendar on 2/12/2024.
CPSC Office of Import Surveillance Director Jim Joholske, Deputy Director Sabrina Keller, and Supervisory Management and Program Analyst Andrea Rucker-Yarosh will participate in an in-person meeting with representatives from the brokerage firm Expeditors, at their request, to discuss CPSC’s eFiling Pilot. For more information on the meeting, contact skeller@cpsc.gov. For more information on CPSC’s import program and eFiling, visit cpsc.gov/imports and cpsc.gov/efiling. Posted to the public calendar on 2/12/2024.