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Ronald A. Jordan, Dave DiMatteo and other CPSC staff will participate in a meeting with Charon McNabb, and others from the National Carbon Monoxide Awareness Association (NCOAA)


Ronald A. Jordan, Dave DiMatteo and other CPSC staff will participate in a meeting with Charon McNabb, and others from the National Carbon Monoxide Awareness Association (NCOAA)

1:00 pm to 2:00 pm EST
Gas Appliances, CO Sensors
Open to the Public
Add to Calendar 12/11/2023 1:00 pm 12/11/2023 2:00 pm America/New_York Ronald A. Jordan, Dave DiMatteo and other CPSC staff will participate in a meeting with Charon McNabb, and others from the National Carbon Monoxide Awareness Association (NCOAA)

Ronald A. Jordan, Directorate for Engineering Sciences, and Dave DiMatteo, Office of the General Counsel, and other CPSC staff will participate in an online meeting with Charon McNabb, and others from the National Carbon Monoxide Awareness Association (NCOAA) to discuss the October 25, 2023, publication of the Notice of Public Rulemaking (NPR) on Safety Standards for Gas Furnaces and Boilers in the Federal Register, on December 11, 2023, 1:00 pm est. The meeting was requested by NCOAA and is an open meeting. The meeting will be held online via MS Teams. For additional meeting information, contact Ronald Jordan, CPSC, at Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary and posted in the Public Calendar 12/4/2023.


Ronald A. Jordan, Directorate for Engineering Sciences, and Dave DiMatteo, Office of the General Counsel, and other CPSC staff will participate in an online meeting with Charon McNabb, and others from the National Carbon Monoxide Awareness Association (NCOAA) to discuss the October 25, 2023, publication of the Notice of Public Rulemaking (NPR) on Safety Standards for Gas Furnaces and Boilers in the Federal Register, on December 11, 2023, 1:00 pm est. The meeting was requested by NCOAA and is an open meeting. The meeting will be held online via MS Teams. For additional meeting information, contact Ronald Jordan, CPSC, at Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary and posted in the Public Calendar 12/4/2023.

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