EXIS staff to meet with members of the NAFTZ
Staff from the Office of Import Surveillance will meet virtually with members representing the National Association of Foreign Trade Zones (NAFTZ) to discuss how imports from FTZs can meet the future eFiling requirement. For more information, including call-in information, please contact Arthur Laciak at alaciak@cpsc.gov. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 9/11/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 9/11/2023.
Staff from the Office of Import Surveillance will meet virtually with members representing the National Association of Foreign Trade Zones (NAFTZ) to discuss how imports from FTZs can meet the future eFiling requirement. For more information, including call-in information, please contact Arthur Laciak at alaciak@cpsc.gov. Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 9/11/2023. Posted in the Public Calendar 9/11/2023.