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Rana Balci-Sinha Attending ASTM Subcommittee Stroller Task Group Teleconference on Positional Grab Bars


Rana Balci-Sinha Attending ASTM Subcommittee Stroller Task Group Teleconference on Positional Grab Bars

10:00 am to 11:00 am EDT
Rockville, MD
Voluntary Standards Meeting
Open to the Public
Add to Calendar 03/12/2015 10:00 am 03/12/2015 11:00 am America/New_York Rana Balci-Sinha Attending ASTM Subcommittee Stroller Task Group Teleconference on Positional Grab Bars
Rana Balci-Sinha, Directorate for Engineering Sciences/Human Factors, attending ASTM subcommittee stroller task group teleconference on positional grab bars; 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time. The meeting was requested by ASTM. For additional information contact Rana Balci-Sinha, (301) 987-2584; email: Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 3/5/15. Posted in the Public Calendar 3/6/15.
Rockville, MD
Rana Balci-Sinha, Directorate for Engineering Sciences/Human Factors, attending ASTM subcommittee stroller task group teleconference on positional grab bars; 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time. The meeting was requested by ASTM. For additional information contact Rana Balci-Sinha, (301) 987-2584; email: Transmitted to the Office of the Secretary 3/5/15. Posted in the Public Calendar 3/6/15.
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