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CPSC Proposes Standard For Swimming Pool Slides

Release Date: September 16, 1975

The proposal includes requirements for permanent illustrated warning labels and contains detailed recommendations for installation, maintenance, and proper use of slides.

The standard, developed by the National Swimming Pool Institute (NSPI) using procedures outlined in the Consumer Product Safety Act that mandate active participation of consumers in the development process, is the first to be proposed under the Consumer Product Safety Act of 1972.

The Commission modified the NSPI proposal with regard to requirements for warning labels, instructions for use by consumers and installation procedures.

The Commission initiated the development of a mandatory standard in response to a petition filed by NSPI and Aquaslide 'N' Dive Corporation, a major slide manufacturer. A number of severe disabling injuries have occurred when heavier sliders, usually adults, went head first at a steep angle into shallow water and struck their heads on the bottom of the pool. This is the major hazard addressed in the proposal.

Other hazards identified by the Commission and addressed in the proposal include leg fractures resulting from feet first entry, impact with other people in the pool and falls off the slide ladder.

The proposal specifies that the slides impart a low angle of entry into the water. Other requirements relate to design, materials and construction of the slide, rails, steps, platform and ladder. The steps and platform must be slip resistant; the ladder on above ground pools must be able to be removed or hinged to swing up and be locked in a position that would make it inaccessible to unauthorized or unsupervised use. The slide also must be equipped with a method of lubrication, such as running water, so the slider has a smooth, continuous slide. Recommendations for installation of the slide highlight the importance of recommended water depths for slides of different heights.

The installation instructions state that no slides should be installed over water less than 3 feet deep and that people 13 years of age and older should not use slides over water 4 feet deep or less.

The mandatory labeling provisions warn children and adults about slide hazards and graphically show the potential for injury if the warnings are ignored.

The proposed standard was developed by NSPI over a period of about four months.

If the standard is issued in final form, all pool slides manufactured or imported into the United States after the effective date of the standard will have to meet the standard and its performance tests.

Written comments on the proposal should be submitted by October 15, 1975, to the Office of the Secretary, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Washington, D.C. 20207.

The Consumer Product Safety Act also provides for the oral presentation of views on the proposed standard upon request of any person. Requests for an oral presentation must be made by September 25, 1975, to the Office of the Secretary (Telephone: 202/634-7700).

Copies of the proposed standard, technical rationale and supporting documents may be seen in the Office of the Secretary, 1750 K Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20207.

Copies of the proposed standard are available by calling the Hotline: 800/492-2772.

Release Number

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