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FOIA for Firms

New Document Delivery Method For Firms

Effective February 20, 2022, we are no longer using CPSC’s Collaboration Portal to communicate electronically with manufacturers, private labelers, importers, distributors, and retailers (collectively referred to as “firms”), about information that responds to FOIA requests submitted to CPSC.

We will be using CPSC’s WatchDox website to electronically communicate with firms to deliver records responsive to FOIA requests submitted to CPSC. 

WatchDox Registration

To access pending FOIA records, please create a WatchDox account by following the link above and clicking “Create Account.” Once you have created a WatchDox account, you will be able to download the records. If you are unable to access the records after creating a WatchDox account, please let us know via email, (Subject: WatchDox Error) as soon as possible.

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