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Schedule of Fees for Records Services (See 16 CFR 1015.9)

The Consumer Product Safety Commission’s FOIA fee regulations are found at 16 C.F.R. 1015.9.

There are three categories of requesters: Commercial; educational institutions, noncommercial scientific institutions, and representatives of the news media; and all other requesters, including members of the general public.

Requester CategorySearchReviewDuplication
Commercial (including law firms)FeeFeeFee
Educational, noncommercial scientific institutions, or news mediaNo FeeNo FeeFee after first 100 pages
All other requesters (including members of the general public)Fee After First 2 HoursNo FeeFee after first 100 pages

Fees for Providing Copies of Commission Records

Members of the public who request copies of public or non-public records will be assessed the following charges:

Charges for Commission Services

Search and Review: For CY22, copies of Commission documents that require search, review, and disclosure are assessed based on staff member time as follows:

  • Search:
    • Manual: GS14/7 plus 16 percent: $15.11
    • Computer: GS12/4 plus 16 percent: $10.31
  • Review: GS12/9 plus 16 percent: $10.75

FOIA requesters are charged search and review fees in quarter-hour increments.

Production Services

Generally, CPSC charges $0 per page for electronic copies, and $0.15 per page for physical copies. Requesters will be charged the actual cost of production for all other types of media (i.e., flash drives or CDs).



Payments can be submitted directly from a bank account or by credit/debit card using The website allows remitters to make secure payments electronically. It is an easy and convenient system that is available 7 days a week - 24 hours a day. The following link directs you to the website:

By Mail

If paying by mail, checks or money orders should be made payable to the U.S. Department of Treasury and mailed to:


HQ RM I 81/AMK- 326

6500 S. Macarthur Boulevard

Oklahoma City, OK 73169


If you have questions about FOIA fees, please feel free to contact CPSC’s Chief FOIA Officer, Abioye Mosheim, at (include “FOIA Fees” in the subject line), or 1-800-638-2772.

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