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Rules Requiring a General Certificate of Conformity (GCC) - General Use/Non-Children's Products

Below is a list of product safety rules that require certification in a General Certificate of Conformity (GCC). Links under “Product or Issue Category” will take you to the respective CPSC business guidance page (if available), and links under “Legal Citation” will take you to the actual text for the citation.

The use of a third-party, CPSC-accepted laboratory to conduct testing pursuant to the product safety rules noted below is not a requirement for general use, or non-children’s, products. First-party testing, or testing from any qualified laboratory or test facility, can support a GCC. See "What is a reasonable testing program?" on our GCC FAQs for more information.

Testing of children’s products, on the other hand, does require the use of a third-party, CPSC-accepted laboratory. For more information on children’s products, visit our business guidance page on children’s products.

Note: CPSC periodically updates existing mandatory rules or publishes new mandatory rules, resulting in new requirements being added. This list is current as of August 8, 2024.

Product or Issue CategoryLegal Citation
All-terrain vehicles16 CFR part 1420
Architectural glazing materials16 CFR part 1201
Adult portable bed rail16 CFR part 1270
Artificial emberizing materials [1]16 CFR part 1305
Bicycle helmets16 CFR part 1203
Bicycles16 CFR part 1512
Bunk beds16 CFR part 1213
Button cell or coin battery15 U.S.C. § 2056e
16 CFR § 1263.3
16 CFR § 1263.4
Carpets and rugs (large)16 CFR part 1630
Carpets and rugs (small)16 CFR part 1631
CB antennas16 CFR part 1204
Cellulose insulation16 CFR part 1209
Cigarette lighters16 CFR part 1210
Clothing storage units16 CFR part 1261
Consumer patching compounds [1]16 CFR part 1304
Dive sticks and other similar articles16 CFR § 1500.86(a)(7)
16 CFR § 1500.86(a)(8)
Drywall15 U.S.C. § 2056c
Fireworks16 CFR part 1507
Garage door openers16 CFR part 1211
Lawn darts [1]16 CFR part 1306
Liquid nicotine packaging (CNPPA)15 U.S.C. § 1472a
Magnets16 CFR part 1262
Matchbooks16 CFR part 1202
Mattresses and mattress pads16 CFR part 1632
Mattresses and mattress sets16 CFR part 1633
Metal-cored candlewicks [1]16 CFR § 1500.17(a)(13)
Multipurpose lighters16 CFR part 1212
Paints and similar surface coatings containing lead [1]16 CFR part 1303
Portable fuel containers (flame mitigation device)16 CFR part 1461
Portable fuel containers (special packaging)16 CFR part 1460
Power lawn mowers (walk-behind)16 CFR part 1205
Refrigerator doors [2]16 CFR part 1750
Refuse bins [1]16 CFR part 1301
Wearing apparel [3]16 CFR part 1610
Special packaging (PPPA)16 CFR part 1700
Swimming pool slides (freestanding)16 CFR part 1207
Toy, look-alike, and imitation firearms16 CFR part 1272
Vinyl plastic film16 CFR part 1611
Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act Regulations16 CFR part 1450

[1] For certification to banning regulations, the Commission has provided guidance (78 FR 28080) regarding which bans require certification, recognizing that it may be difficult to distinguish between rules that ban an entire product category, leaving no products left to certify, and rules that ban a subset of the product category and, therefore, require certification. Some bans enforced by the Commission apply to multiple products or more than one product category (pp. 28082 and 28090 of the document).

[2] The Commission issued a Statement of Policy (84 FR 37767) indicating that CPSC will not enforce the certification requirements for household refrigerators that display an appropriate safety certification mark indicating compliance.

[3] The Commission issued a Statement of Policy (81 FR 12587) indicating that CPSC will not enforce the certification requirements for adult wearing apparel that is exempt from testing pursuant to 16 CFR § 1610.1(d). Wearing apparel that are considered children’s products are not afforded this enforcement discretion.

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