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Rules Requiring Third-Party Testing and a Children's Product Certificate

Below is a list of children’s product safety rules that require third-party testing as well as the legal citation to be used on a Children’s Product Certificate (CPC). Links under “Product or Issue Category” will take you to the respective CPSC business guidance page, and links under “Legal Citation” will take you to the actual text for the citation.

Third party testing is required to support a certification of compliance to the rules (shown below) for children's products. The laboratories in this list have been accepted as accredited to test products to one or more of these children’s product safety rules, as identified in the accreditation scope for each laboratory.

Qualifying and registered small batch manufacturers (SBM) may be able to receive relief from third party testing to certain safety rules (Group B requirements); registered SBMs may certify to Group B requirements via means other than testing by third-party, CPSC-accepted laboratories. For more information, visit our Small Batch Manufacturer business guidance page.

Note: CPSC periodically updates existing mandatory rules, or publishes new mandatory rules, resulting in new requirements being added. This list is complete as of December 5, 2024. An up-to-date list for rules requiring third-party testing is codified at 16 CFR § 1112.15.

Product or Issue CategoryLegal Citation
All-terrain vehicles16 CFR part 1420
Baby changing products16 CFR part 1235
Bassinets and cradles16 CFR part 1218
Bedside sleepers16 CFR part 1222
Bicycle helmets16 CFR part 1203
Bicycles16 CFR part 1512
Booster seats16 CFR part 1237
Bunk beds (for children)16 CFR part 1513
Button cell or coin battery15 U.S.C. § 2056e
16 CFR § 1263.3
16 CFR § 1263.4
Carpets and rugs16 CFR part 1630
Carriages and strollers16 CFR part 1227
Children’s folding chairs and stools16 CFR part 1232
Children’s sleepwear: sizes 0 through 6X (FF 3-71)16 CFR part 1615
Children’s sleepwear: sizes 7 through 14 (FF 5-74)16 CFR part 1616
Children’s toys (ASTM F963) [1]16 CFR part 1250
Clacker balls16 CFR § 1500.86(a)(5)
Clothing storage units16 CFR part 1261
Crib mattresses16 CFR part 1241
Dive sticks and other similar articles16 CFR § 1500.86(a)(7)
16 CFR § 1500.86(a)(8)
Electrically operated toys or articles16 CFR part 1505
Frame child carriers16 CFR part 1230
Full-size cribs16 CFR part 1219
Gates and enclosures16 CFR part 1239
Hand-held infant carriers16 CFR part 1225
High chairs16 CFR part 1231
Infant bath seats16 CFR part 1215
Infant bath tubs16 CFR part 1234
Infant bouncer seats16 CFR part 1229
Infant sleep products16 CFR part 1236
Infant support cushions16 CFR part 1243
Infant swings16 CFR part 1223
Infant walkers16 CFR part 1216
Magnets16 CFR part 1262
Mattresses and mattress pads16 CFR part 1632
Mattresses and mattress sets16 CFR part 1633
Non-full-size cribs16 CFR part 1220
Nursing Pillows16 CFR part 1242
Pacifiers16 CFR part 1511
Paints and similar surface coatings containing lead [2]16 CFR part 1303
Phthalates [2]16 CFR part 1307
Play yards16 CFR part 1221
Portable bedrails16 CFR part 1224
Portable hook-on chairs16 CFR part 1233
Rattles16 CFR part 1510
Sling carriers16 CFR part 1228
Small carpets and rugs16 CFR part 1631
Small parts16 CFR part 1501
Soft infant and toddler carriers16 CFR part 1226
Wearing apparel16 CFR part 1610
Stationary activity centers16 CFR part 1238
Toddler beds16 CFR part 1217
Total lead content [2]15 U.S.C. § 1278a
Toy, look-alike, and imitation firearms16 CFR part 1272
Vinyl plastic film16 CFR part 1611

[1] The CPC must also include the individual sections of the currently accepted version of ASTM F963 applicable to the product and not simply cite 16 CFR part 1250. See this chart for a list of ASTM sections that require third-party testing.

[2] Click here for CPSC’s chemical testing methods.

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